Available courses

Dive into the heart of high-stakes cyber-attack emulation with our Red Team Operator Training program. Based on real-world tactics, we offer a comprehensive learning experience covering areas such as Red Team Operations, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Reconnaissance, Initial Access, and Post Exploitation. Our hands-on approach ensures students gain a deep understanding of both offensive tools and cyber adversary strategies. 

The JRTO course goes beyond the basics, offering modules that cover advanced reconnaissance, targeted attacks, and specialized tools. Our hands-on labs are tailored to simulate real-world scenarios, including advanced network attacks and complex intrusion techniques. You'll not only learn the theory but also get the practical experience needed to excel in your role.

Our MRTO course focuses on the managerial aspects of Red Team Operations. You'll learn how to scope projects, define rules of engagement, and manage customer expectations. This course also covers mission planning and leadership, ensuring that you can guide your team through complex cybersecurity challenges.